Vision & Mission


Serving Humanity through Excellence in Pharmacy Education and Research


  • To promote quality Pharmacy education and training through innovative teaching-learning process
  • To collaborate with industries to address challenge of quality and novel medicines
  • To encourage innovation towards designing solutions to meet healthcare needs
  • To contribute to the advancement of community pharmacy and public health
  • To empower young minds with value based education, communication and entrepreneurial skills

Program OutComes

  • Graduates will acquire knowledge on the source, properties, synthesis & formulations, analysis, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of drugs
  • Graduates will be able to apply knowledge of mathematics and computing tools for
    pharmaceutical data analysis
  • Graduates will be equipped to handle sophisticated analytical instruments and adapt to emerging pharmaceutical technologies
  • Graduates will be able to recognize and be aware of environmental issues relevant to pharmacy practice
  • Graduates will be aware of various regulations and follow ethical and legal principles of pharmacy profession
  • Graduates will be able to effectively document and communicate ideas and concepts in an organized manner
  • Graduates will develop and implement time management, resource management, delegation skills and organizational skills
  • Graduates will be able to plan and execute pharmaceutical industrial operations; and analyse and evaluate problems encountered therein
  • Graduates will develop good managerial and entrepreneurial abilities to execute professional responsibilities
  • Graduates will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and practice the pharmacy profession considering historical, social, economic, political and safety issues
  • Graduates will be able to pursue lifelong learning as a means of enhancing knowledge in the context of technological advancement

Program Education Objectives (PEOs)

  • Excel in professional pharmaceutical career and address social needs to industrial, community, hospital and entrepreneurial pharmacy
  • Pursue higher education in management or research, engage in professional development and adapt to emerging technologies
  • Exhibit adaptability, teamwork, leadership and communication skills to build corporate relations for successful careers
  • Practice ethical professional behavior and be conscious of the environment and society

Quality Policy

To deliver quality and value education, through innovative teaching learning processes and training, to build young and aspiring Pharmacists